Customer Testimonials

"Thank you for giving me a beautiful home to live in, one that I am very proud to say is my own. There is not one thing that I would alter. I sit and look and all I see is beauty, the windows the skirtings, kitchen etc etc.

Your attention to detail and finish is obvious - you're a perfectionist!" 

Karen Hughes - Henley Grange


"First class customer service"!

John Glover – Vine Mews


"We purchased a barn conversion at Hardwick Farm Barns in early 2009. We loved the materials, design, specification, attention to detail and finish of the barn conversion Greywell Property had created. We have enjoyed good customer service from the start. When issues have cropped up, although minor, Greywell have swiftly dealt with our requests to our satisfaction.

We enjoy a friendly relationship with the construction team, they cut our lawn while we were away and tried hard to look after us before and after moving in. We would recommend Greywell Property as a good company to buy a new or newly converted home from."

Barry & Carol Lord - Hardwick Farm Barns


"After sales care has been brilliant – easy to contact and issues are dealt with quickly and efficiently. High standard of fixtures and fittings!

Louise Askew – Vine Mews


"As the site in Henley is nearing completion we would like to pass on our thanks to the various teams both on site and behind the scenes, for their hardwork, courteous manner and attention to detail. Jeff and I are so pleased with our property, it is a dream come true after watching the derelict site come to life after many years of neglect.

Can vividly remember our first meeting with Rupert on a frosty January morning back in 2013 before work had started.

The development is a credit - the careful blend of old and new, the restoration of the stonework and the incorporation of the 'new' windows as well as the retention of many of the original features. Everyone has been so helpful from start to finish including Daniel, Darren & Alex. Living on site has made us appreciate the logistics and the day to day management of the site and co-ordination of the trades that has taken place with minimal disruption.

Both Darren and Alex have been outstanding and are a real asset - they are approachable, methodical and go the extra mile to ensure everything runs smoothly. Alex in particular deserves a special thank you. Wishing the whole team every success in the future - fingers crossed you get the recognition/design awards you deserve."

Sue & Jeff Onens - Henley Grange